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The project SAVE AGE reached the final phase
15.01.2013 Dutch Workshops Sketches for Energy Savings
15.12.2012 Ricardo Bermingham hospital: an example of commitment to sustainability
15.11.2012 Training courses for Energy Savings in RCHEPs in Greece
15.10.2012 Energy Efficiency Promotion in RCHEP in Portugal
15.09.2012 Reducing the energy costs in nursing homes: Savings in home Palata in Prague
15.07.2012 SAVE AGE-Project - 'Energy Sins' in care homes identified
15.06.2012 Self-adaptive Heating Control System at Care Home “Communauté des Soeurs de Jeanne Delanoue”
15.05.2012 Trainings for RCHEP management and employees in Högsby, Sweden, in energy saving and environmental effects of their daily life and work
15.04.2012 SAVE AGE – Eco friendly RCHEP in Turin with the “films”
15.03.2012 Seminar on systems for targeted monitoring of energy use
15.02.2012 Energy management system to obtain considerable energy savings- Case Study: RCHEP Reyes de Aragón – Zaragoza (Spain)
15.01.2012 SAVE AGE – Energy Saving Assessment
15.12.2011 SAVE AGE – Benchmark Tool
15.11.2011 Towards a 20% lower energy bill for care institutes with the help of architects
17.10.2011 SAVE AGE: First Pan-European Workshop Shows Impressive Energy Saving Potentials
15.10.2011 SAVE AGE steps into next project phase with concrete energy efficiency support activities for care homes
30.07.2011 SAVE AGE: Energy Efficient Behaviour Of Residents And Employees In RCHEP
30.06.2011 SAVE AGE – After One Year Of Implementation
15.06.2011 Raising comfort of users and staff in residential care homes for elderly people through water and heat savings (Czech republic)
31.05.2011 SAVE AGE, first results and challenges
15.05.2011 Snow cooling
30.04.2011 Saving energy by lighting
15.04.2011 First findings in residential care homes for the elderly
30.03.2011 The E.D.E. Energy Strategy: Systematic Work On Energy Efficiency
17.03.2011 Article about SAVE AGE project in Slovenian daily newspaper Dnevnik
15.03.2011 Energy Saving as support of Building Energy Certification. Future steps.
28.02.2011 Targeted approach in Greece could provide important field for energy efficiency
28.02.2011 AENEAS Final Conference: Green Mobility for Active Ageing
11.02.2011 “Windel Willi“ – First Plant to win Heat from Diapers
30.01.2011 Energy saving is becoming an issue within Dutch care homes
15.01.2011 SAVE AGE and the recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
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