Home Publications

Project documents and results

Project products and services are presented here according to the SAVE AGE project progress.


Analysis of total Energy Consumption in 100 Care Homes for Elderly

Development of benchmarks to enable the comparison of the energy performance of similar buildings.


Analysis of total Energy Inefficient Behavior of Resident and Employees in RCHEP

Changes in the consumer behaviour can lead to important savings in energy use.


List of Needs and Obstacles influencing Energy Efficiency in 100 RCHEP

Energy efficiency issues in European RCHEP have been rising recently and they recognize its potential savings.


Document on identification of BAT in RCHEP

Best and worst practices across European Union for stimulation of other homes to implement energy efficiency measures.

Best and Worst Practices
Best available Technologies/Techniques

Document Identification of BAT in RCHEP

All collected data and analyses of the project in one comprehensive document.

Comprehensive document on energy efficiency

Energy Saving Assessment of E.D.E. RCHEP Members

The main objective of the energy saving assessment is to estimate the energy saving potential for existing RCHEPs.


Energy Efficiency Strategy

Strategy tool for the top management of RCHEPs.


Signed Memorandum of E.D.E. General Board adopting EE Strategy and Action Plan

The declaration of acceptance includes that the E.D.E. agrees with the energy efficiency strategy and action plan of the SAVE AGE project.


Reports from 10 National Seminars, 10 Trainings, and 1 International Conference

Every project partner will organize one national seminar and one national training to inform on national energy performance requirements, subsidies, and measures.

read the reports here

Reports of the international conference in Prague (September 2011)

Reports on first project results prepaired by the projects partners in Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Germany, and Greece.

Read Reports here

Reports on RCHEP Energy Efficiency Managers Work done in 10 EU Countries

Comprehensive report of energy efficiency managers


Four E-Newsletter in 10 Languages available

Reports on the ongoing project work and results (E-newsletter).

Leaflet of EU Strategy of Energy Efficiency in Residential Homes

Brochure with all essential data of the SAVE AGE project.


Build Up News European Year 2012 | Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations European Year 2011 | EYV 2011 ALLIANCE Logo 2010 against poverty

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