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Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions

Darko Fercej


E-Mail: darko(at)ezavod.si
Tel.: 386 2 749 32 25

E-Institute is a non-profit institute with mission to support sustainable development. Activities are focused on Energy Efficiency, Environment and Economy to support European Union policies. One of the key strengths is good integration in the local, national and international environment enabling good basis for implementation of international initiatives. Projects are implemented with comprehensive approach searching for synergies between different level stakeholders with the aim of achieving optimal results.

INGEMA-Matia Gerontological Institute

Miren Iturburu Yarza

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Tel.: 34 943 22 46 43

Founded in 2002 to conduct state-of-the-art research, Ingema has grown from a local-focused institute to an internationally known centre with a solid project portfolio in Spain and Europe, as well as an active partner to universities and institutes in North and South America. Ingema’s four main research lines: (a) The promotion of active ageing and the prevention of dependence; (b) Rehabilitation and compensation of fragility and dependency; (c) Quality of life and quality of attention; and (d) Gerotechnology.

ISR-UC Institute of Systems and Robotics

Paula Fonseca

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Tel.: 351 293796325

ISR-UC is a research and technology transfer institute associated with the University of Coimbra with vast experience in energy efficiency activities, decentralized generation and RES, in buildings and industry, in the participation and co-ordination of international projects and dissemination activities through organising workshops and seminars at local, regional and international level. ISR-UC has also carried out a large number of audits both in industry as well as in the residential and tertiary sectors.

W/E Consultants Sustainables

Erik Alsema

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Tel.: 31 30 6778761

W/E has conducted numerous consultancies on energy efficiency in built environment over the past 30 years. Main clients are housing corporations, municipalities, energy agency, and project developers. W/E is among the 5 leading consultancies on energy in built environment in the Netherlands. Over the past years W/E has participated in several EU-funded projects, such as Surefit, LENSE, ENPIRE and Green Solar Cities.

APSSCR Association of Social Health Care Providers

Jiri Horecký

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Tel.: 420 381213332

The Association of social services is an independent association of legal entities and natural persons, the direct providers of social services. Its activities are:

  • represents and defends the members interests in government and other institutions, presentation of expert advice, qualified initiation and the promotion of legal regulation
  • facilitates the dissemination of scientific research findings, transmission of domestic and foreign expertise
  • represents members interests and needs
  • developing studies, documentation, information and expert activities

Prioriterre - Centre d’Information et de Conseil Energie, Eau, Consommation

Manouchka Auguste

E-Mail: manouchka.auguste(at)prioriterre.org
Tel.: 334 50 67 67 22

Prioriterre is a non-profit organization contributing to fight against climate change. Prioriterre works to sustain and share planet’s natural resources by encouraging each citizen in his private or professional life to change his habits on energy, water and material products consumption. Prioriterre brings concrete solutions to anyone willing to contribute to a better future for the planet. To reach this objective we provide neutral, objective and free information. Main actions: raising awareness, informing, seconding and training every public interested.

ESS - Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden

Lena Eckerberg

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Tel.: 464 9188067

The Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden Ltd (ESS) is based in Växjö. ESS is the regional hub for energy efficiency actions. ESS are administrators responsible for the network of the local climate and energy advisers, provision of local climate and energy advice service at local levels in some municipalities. ESS is experienced in energy efficiency campaigns, training of all level professional staff and energy audits. Our goal is to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy sources to support regional development.

Steinbeis Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems

Thomas Pauschinger

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Tel.: 49-711-6732000-40

Solites is a Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems within the network of the Steinbeis Foundation.

Solites investigates and develops solar and sustainable thermal energy systems focussing on innovative and new technologies for which either no state of the art is available or a need for adaptation exists. SFZ Solites' business activities comprise all project phases ranging from basic research over project development and practical realisation of sustainable technologies to accompaniment of plant commissioning, evaluation and optimisation.

Pieriki Anaptixiaki s.a.

Konstantions Zapounidis

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Tel.:  30 2351027541

Local Development Company Pieriki was founded in 1991. Its activities are prescribed by the wider European philosophy for more essential decentralisation, with active contribution in the planning and management of the development resources, through the coordination of all local institutional authorities. The company's strategy determines its contribution in the evolution, exploitation, promotion, growth, management and protection of the natural and human resources, cultural heritage, and industrial development of Pieria Prefecture

CIRCE Centre of Research for Energy Resources and Consumption

Francisco Barrio

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Tel.: 0034 976 761 863
The CIRCE Institute is multidisciplinary team of more than 120 people deeply committed to R&D&I and Training in energy field. Applied Research in energy technologies, thermal and electrical area (energy efficiency, renewable energies, electricity transport and transmission, GHG reduction, carbon capture and storage, eco-efficiency, water and natural sources management) Knowledge and Technology Transfer with model of research/business/training interaction. CIRCE is an official national training centre for trainers on Energy Building Certification.

E.D.E. - European Association of Directors of Residential Care Homes for the Elderly

Wilfried Schlüter

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Tel.: 493 061681411

E.D.E. is a professional non-profit federation of directors/managers of Residential and Nursing Homes from all over Europe. 24.000 members in E.D.E. are coming from 15 EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Latvia and Slovenia. The aim of the association is the promotion of cooperation of national associations and corresponding nationalinstitutions of care for elder people as well as their representation on a European level.

SSZS Association of Social Institutions of Slovenia

Boris Koprivnikar

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Tel.: 386 15208000

Association of Social institutions of Slovenia (ASIS) is non-profit public institution that provides residential health care for 14.170 people in 78 residential care homes across Slovenia, established with the purpose of providing social assistance services to elderly people. Services include: Organized living in residential care homes, Personal assistance, social care and nursing, Healthcare and medical rehabilitation, Primary healthcare services and specialized healthcare services. Services are based on general standards and categories regulated by state.

ASP Martelli - Public Company for Persons Service

Daniele Raspini

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Tel.: 390 55951097

ASP runs 3 residential care homes in Italy. Main activity is institutionalized care for the elderly and provision of social and nursing services for suppressing personal distress and problems of elderly. Basic services are: admission and residence in single rooms, double bed or more, organized meals, appropriate health condition, technical supply, personal help, social care and nursing, health care and medical rehabilitation, basic and specialist medical service provided by health care centres or private physicians in homes.

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